Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Issues raised whilst filming

Whilst filming we have had a number of issues arrise that have affected the progression of our short film. I have decided to write about the difficulties and ways in which I will avoid them next time and prevent them from occuring again.
Loosing our fotage -
The first time we shot fotage, it was then recorded over with sound meaning a complete re-shoot of our entire film. To prevent this next time we will ensure that when we begin recording sound, it is a new point of the tape and not overwritting previous fotage. We could also use a seperate tape, one for fotage and one for sound to ensure nothing is lost.

Filming fotage that is not of high enough quality -
We filmed fotage that on the camera appeared to be satisfactory, yet when uploaded and able to view it larger we could see the fotage was not our best work, and was usable. Next time we could try uploading the fotage to the computer on location, to check its quality and thoroughly watch what we have filmed carefully. Then we can simply delete it and start again whilst being on location, which will save valuable time.

Fotage was not compatible with editing software -
After filming and trying to upload our fotage, we discovered it was not compatible with the editing software, and would not convert dispite numerous attempts. One thing we could do to prevent this from happening again is to ensure we check that the camera/tape we are using will upload, possibly by shooting some mock fotage and testing it. We could also check with the appropriate people that our fotage will definately upload before shooting.

Location unavailable -
We scheduled a date for filming but unfortunately were unable to due to the location being used (as its set in a house). I will ensure that we plan in advance our scheduled filming times, with back-up dates so that should this problem arrise again we have the next suitable date ready.

Illness within group -
The circumstance was the same as before, and the resolution will be much the same in that planning in advance with back-up dates will ensure that our filming is not massively delayed.

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