Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Multimedia sharing

In order to show good use of new media technologies, we have shared our film with fellow peers via youtbe:


We have also shared our short film via a link through one of the group members facebook

Changes made after feedback

This is our film with appropriate changes made, re-uploaded.

Audience feedback

After viewing our film in various ways, we have recieved constructive critism for ways to improve our film. The most popular answers were:
  • The note cannot be read as the scene is not long enough
  • The live typing of our characters thoughts is too slow
  • The friends scene, with our character seated at the base of a tree with her friends in the distance is not long enough
We will discuss as a group and consider making these or any other alterations and then re-upload our final piece.

Short film

This is our final short film, as you will notice we did not include the silhouettes and instead chose to use title screens with a typing effect depicting the characters thoughts. This choice was made for several reasons, partly because the silhouettes were not of high enough quality despite numerous attempts, and we felt they did not match the standard of the rest of our work. We also felt the silhouettes would disrupt the flow of the non-diegetic sound track, as it would be hard to re-place the sound after each silhouette in a natural, effective way. Lastly we felt that through the live typing title screens, less emotion and perception could be portrayed through the character, allowing the audience their own interpretation which we felt would overall be much more effective.

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