This poster uses images from the same scene as the previous, but different photographs. We also chose to make this poster black and white.
The representations of light and images are the same as before, but the difference in the images is that instead of the boldest image being further away like in the previous, its in the foreground. I'd prefer this poster if the image wasn't so bold in the foreground, I find it to be quite overpowering and distract from the message we are trying to portray. The blur added to the layered images makes the character appear dominant, filling the frame completely. Based on rule of thirds, I would like the character to nor dominate the image so much, for space to be around her as this allows the audience to think about the space and could create a sense of lonliness and fragility.
I do like the black and white because a gradient effect is created, with the bright white lighting at the top going down to dense black surrounding the copy. This gradient effect could represent the highs and lows of the characters life, and the different sides of her. The fact that shes swinging into the light also depicts the joy she feels when shes swinging, as she swinging in a 'high point'. I do however think the colour on the other poster is more effective than this gradient, due to the gentle, pastoral feel we have previously created.
I would rate this poster second out of the posters we have created, as I like the gradient effect and the actual scenes the images are taken from.