Whilst thinking about sound for our film, I have chosen to look at a film I enjoy and find its use of sound extremely effective, 'The shining'. The film often uses obscure, composed pieces of music using sounds from un-identifiable instruments. I love the opening credits use of bizzare sound as shown below.
The strange wailing sounds are so haunting and memorable, almost narrating the journey to the secluded hotel. The composition is called 'Rocky Mountains' Another scene I particularly enjoy that cleverly uses sound is the scene where is first becomes apparant that the male character 'Jack' is not mentally stable. It took 127 takes to get this scene perfect and I find its use of sound really enhances the tense atmosphere.
I find the sound used in this film very inspiring, as it has encouraged me to be more creative and experimental as sound can be a major factor in creating a certain atmosphere. In our short film I hope to experiment with sound, pherhaps producing our own and trying things we haven't before.
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