Monday, 4 April 2011

Poster 2

We created the same poster as the previous, but this time did not use black and white, instead using the green tint and highlighting the red jacket.

I don't like this poster as much as our previous, the colour distracts from the meaning and complicates the image. Against the copy the colour prevents the same hazy blur that occured previously, and I feel this looks less effective, as it appears dull and doesn't connect to the character.
I don't like the highlight of the red jacket either, as my attention is immediatelty drawn to this one feature, rather than viewing the image as a whole and understanding the meaning. The red is too obvious, and distracts from understanding the character as the background door is overpowered by the foreground red. In this poster I do however like the green tint used on the door but most obviously on the hair. This gives the impression of a night vision camera, which has multiple meanings. It gives the impression that our character is being watched or stalked making her appear more vulnerable, it puts the audience in a privalledged position as they are being allowed to observe the character, and it makes the audience feel more involved for doing so, as they are witnessing her darkest secrets.
I would rate this poster my fourth favourite of the selection, I prefer the other photograph used on posters 3 & 4 and I feel this poster is much more effective in black and white.

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