Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Making our posters

When making our posters we used a vairety of editing techniques to achieve the results and effect desired.
Poster 1 -
  • Desaturated the image creating the black and white effect
  • Picked up the contrast, darkening the shadows surrounding the character and brightening the highlights such as the door
  • Created a new layer and pasted another image from the same scene over the top, one where the character is closer to the camera
  • This new layer containing the image then had its opacity lowered, to around 60%, giving a see-through effect
  • Duplicated this layer and used an effect called 'motion blur' to achieve a sense of movement 
  • This duplicated layer then had its opacity lowered to 45%
  • The copy was set to bold, and given an overlay 'blend mode' creating the white glow surrounding the text
  • Duplicated this layer, and set the duplicates opacity to 40%
Summarised we used numerous layers with different opacity settings to give the effect of motion, and blur whilst desaturating to make the image black and white.

Poster 2 -

  • Picked up the contrast, darkening shadows and brightening highlights, which in this image as it is not black and white enhances the colours
  • Made a new layer and pasted another image from the same scene where the character is nearer the foreground over the top
  • Changed this layers opacity to around 60%
  • Duplicated this layer, used the effect motion blur, and changed the duplicated layers opacity to around 45%
  • The copy is bold and set to an overlay 'blend mode' creating the white glow
  • Duplicated this layer, setting the duplicate at around 40%
Summary - The same steps followed as before with the same images, except no destaturation which gives a completely different effect through altering the contrast of colours.

Poster 3 -
  • Opened the desired image
  • Duplicated this image four times, making the scale of the image larger each time
  • Each layer was then set to an opacity of 40-60%, giving the effect of movement, in this example 'swinging'
  • The copy was made bold and given a black edging
  • Duplicated the layer, altering the duplicates opacity to 40% and giving it a motion blur effect
To summarise we layered four progressively larger duplicates of the character swinging, altering the opacity

Poster 4 -
  • Made our chosen image, of the character swinging black and white by desaturating it
  • Using a different pciture from the same scene, where the character is closer to the foreground, we pasted this new image on top of the original, and destaurated it
  • This layers opacity was then set 40-50%
  • The same image was duplicated and its scale made smaller
  • Its opcaity was  then set to 40-50%
  • The copy is bold black, with black edging around it
  • Duplicated this layer and set its opacity to 40%
Summary - Layering of different images from the same scene to show the character in different positions, the opacity levels where then altered to make it fluid.

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