Monday, 16 May 2011

Evaluation question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

We sought feedback on our short film and ancillary tasks through various ways, asking our peers to comment on improvements, suggestions and what they liked and disliked about our short film.

Two group members added links to they're facebook pages, taking viewers directly to our short film  on youtube. This appealed directly to our target audience. As you can see from the print screen, we recieved only positive feedback, with several 'likes'.

These images all show our short film on youtube, where recieved views and comments. The reviewers commenting found two negative aspects, the speed of the live typing effect text and that the note was unreadble. We corrected both of these by increasing the typing speed of the text and slowing the note sequence images to allow for easier reading.
The image above shows more clearly the youtube auduience comments.

I sent an email to select individuals, with an attachment of our poster:

Hear you can see an email I receieved back, stating what they thought of our poster.

I also conducted a short survey, asking what people thought about certain aspects of our poster. The results of this survey concluded that people liked our poster overall, and only one weakness was highlighted through this and the emails, the posters copy. We decided to make no alterations to the copy, as it was highlighted as being a comparative weakness, as our audience found our poster effective despite this.

Finally this image shows some of the commentary we have recieved for our products:
In conclusion we recieved a very positive response from our audience, who as a whole enjoyed our film and ancillary tasks and could only pinpoint a few aspects that could be considered weaknesses, all of which apart from one we rectified.

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